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About Us

Navjeevan Foundation Logo

Navjeevan world Peace and Research Foundation was incorporated by Mr. Subhash Deshmukh (Bade Sir) in 1997 for serving the weaker section of society.

Since the inception, Navjeevan is contributed in various segments focusing on Child Rights, Health care, Women empowerment and Rural development along with urban poverty Alleviation and Livelihood program with the long-lasting desire of supporting underprivileged members of society.

Our Vision

Vision of Navjeevan Foundation Nashik

Our Vision is:

  • A world where every child, youth, villagers & women, regardless of background & gender, has access to quality education, and are empowered to live free from discrimination with peaceful mind.

Our Mission

Missino of Navjeevan Foundation Nashik

Our Mission is:

  • To empower children, mothers and marginalized communities from Nashik through integrated programming that prioritizes child rights, education, mother and child health, and peacebuilding research.

From the Founder

Message from: Mr. Subhash G. Deshmukh | Managing Trustee

Mr. Subhash G Deshmukh

We have to always remember; while running our Navjeevan Foundation, that “SERVICE TO MANKIND, IS SERVICE TO GOD”.

The father of the nation found his dream in Rural India and he always served them till he breathed his last. As God has given us more might, more skill…It is certainly for the use of common men. So we shall keep this notion in our mind and help the poor and completely disabled people, along with women. Right from education, health and livelihood, we shall train their mind to become self-Sufficient.

We shall never forget that we are not any Messiah, helping them, but we are also one of them and one of their brothers. God will lead us to the required success and bright future of all of us.

Organizational Details

Organization Name

Navjeevan World Peace & Research Foundation

Permanent Address

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